召陵区FedEx国际快递公司 漯河市召陵区FedEx快递承接各类包裹邮寄
FedEx in Yuzhou City and the global organization for preventingand treating blindness, International Obis, recently announced anew five-year plan: FedEx promises to provide cash andtransportation services worth $5.375 million to the InternationalObis organization; FedEx will also donate an MD-10 cargo plane tothe Obis organization as a specialized aircraft forthird-generation ophthalmology. James R. Parker, Executive VicePresident of FedEx Aviation Operations, said, "The InternationalObis Organization is one of FedEx's long-term non-profitorganizations, and we have been supporting the organization fornearly 30 years. By establishing a new generation of aircraftophthalmology, FedEx's collaboration with Obis will enter a newphase, improving the lives of millions of eye disease patientsworldwide and helping them see light again."
The all-new aircraft ophthalmology is an advanced and fullyfunctional aerial ophthalmology company worldwide, which will bemodified based on the MD-10-30 cargo plane and adopt a modulardesign concept. This is the application of such modules in aircraftdesign. To meet the technical requirements of aviation and medicalcertification, manufacturing this module must overcome severeengineering challenges. The design of the module is handled byMobile Medical International Corp. in Vermont, USA. Details